Cassovia Life Sciences



Elise addresses a societal challenge common to European regions: to promote better health for all. This covers the need to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and promote healthy and active ageing, but also topromote market growth, job creation, EU competiveness. Life science is a promising frontier technology, with potential to produce many healthcare applications and treatments. However, some constraints hinder Life Science potential. These largely concerning difficulties in market exploitation; demand for extensive human and technical resources; and bioethical constraints affecting protection of individuals’ rights and dignity. ELISE partners from 7 regions believe that the concrete application of the Ecosystem concept at regional and interregional level can help to address these constraints. An ecosystem groups business, researchers, clinicians and patients to translate discovery into clinical use for medical innovation in health service.

More at: 

Action plan for Slovakia and Košice region 

Project is co-financed by European Union (ERDF). 
